The Healthy Initiative
Ray Writer here, and ready to help.
A section dedicated to those that need it and are to nervous to ask.
If you are reading this. You are taking the first step in changing your mindset in getting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Exercising regularly. Eating clean(more on that next time) positive thoughts and accepting the “new” you. I know how it is. It’s only so many hours in a day. But the little you do today will save your life tomorrow. Trust me. If you can find the discipline to wake up every morning to arrive to work on time. You can apply that same discipline to the “Healthy Initiative”. It’s puzzling that we treat our jobs, the maintaining of our cars, and other social endeavors better than we treat our women and our health. Think about that. If you can find an hour a day to watch your favorite team play of their highlights. You can find the time to exercise and eat better. It’s not easy. But it can be done. Strengthen your mind and your ass will follow. I’m speaking to the 45 and up crowd. If you’re 45 and under and need the precision. Then this is for you too. We need to stop making excuses on why we can’t do 5 sets of 25 push ups twice a day. Why we can’t stretch our legs for 15 minutes a day. What’s wrong with eating fruits for dinner?? Let me tell you right now. I’m not perfect. I really enjoy a glass of wine or Jack and Coke. Add some fried chicken and some sweet potato fries and I’m a happy Brother. But the key is moderation. And my self mental lock I call “Punishment.” Every time I eat junk. I overload on my workouts. This is not for everyone. But if you have the discipline(there goes that word again) you will soon become comfortable with that mentality of punishing yourself to get back right. I’ll say it again. It’s not for everyone. It works for me. Maybe it will work for you.